about me

Welcome to my little corner of the internet, I'm Jilada! I'm from Christchurch, New Zealand. Here, you can find out a little more about me... although I'm really sure why you would need to 🙉


I studied engineering at the University of Auckland where I majored in Computer Systems Engineering. I spent way too much of my time at uni but I enjoyed every second of it... well, most of it 💩

Check out IEEE Student Branch if you're studying at the University of Auckland, into technology and need to grow your network. As a club, they hold social and information events around emerging technologies and facilitating student-to-student and student-to-industry engagement.


I'll be moving to Tokyo, Japan in February 2019 to work as a robotics engineer at Ascent Robotics! It is going to be a very exciting and rewarding experience for a young graduate like myself.

Over the summer of 2017/2018 I was working as a Software Engineering Intern at Orion Health in the Rhapsody team. The project I worked on is now open source on GitHub. Its a sweet little Java application that displays the information stored inside an RLC file in a nice format. Designed for Rhapsody users.


Aside from glueing my eyes to the screen 24/7 I do have other more sociable hobbies. Spending time with friends and family will always be on the top of the list. You can always count on Ben to be stuck to my hip as we explore the world together!

Sonobe Origami is an amazing way to destress yourself for a few hours. Although I must say the last hour of putting it together can be stress inducing - particularly when watching others do it

As a youngling, I grew up learning three different languages; English (from my Dad), Thai (from my Mum) and Chinese/Mandarin (from school). Sadly, I lost most of my Thai when I moved to New Zealand. Now, I am picking up Thai again as well as learning Japanese.


As a kid I was fortunate enough to have lived and experienced different countries and cultures. I was born in Singapore and lived there for 8 years. Then we moved to Christchurch, New Zealand, where I spent the rest of my primary school and high school days.

Some countries still on the hit list include: Korea, Malaysia, Egypt, Greece, Italy and France.


I don't play a lot due to other commitments but I do enjoy: Stardew Valley and Civilisation V. Occasionally, I will brush the dust off my 3DS and play some Animal Crossing: New Leaf or Professor Layton 🕵️‍♀️